A leading Worthing councillor is quitting after becoming the victim of a hate campaign.

Former mayor David Chapman has resigned as deputy Tory group leader on the borough Council and plans to quit as a councillor for the town's Selden ward at the May election.

Councillor Chapman, who was mayor in 1998 and 1999, said: "My main reason is very much a personal one, due to anonymous and totally malicious personal attacks on myself and, more importantly, my family.

"When one's public life encroaches on your family the time has undoubtedly come to call it a day.

"I have also decided not to seek re-election to the council in May of next year.

"I am afraid I am unable to make any further comments on this matter as it is now in the hands of my solicitor and the police."

Mr Chapman was forced to change his telephone number and go ex-directory after receiving a series of abusive calls.

He was also unhappy about the cost of sending a civic delegation to China for the Nations in Bloom competition, saying it was wrong in the current economic climate.

Most of the money has since been raised by sponsorship, and it is expected the taxpayer will not fund the trip.

Council leader Brian Lynn today praised Mr Chapman's contribution to the authority.

He said: "He still remains a member of the executive. There has been no falling out. He is 100 per cent supportive as far as I am concerned. It's all very amicable.

"He wasn't happy with the decision to send a small delegation to China but that wasn't the main thing."

Mr Lynn said the Tory group would hold a meeting to appoint a successor.

Mr Chapman, executive councillor for economic development and marketing, caused a storm of controversy when he defected from the Lib Dems to the Conservatives in 1999, shortly before local elections.