Police swamped a housing estate in the hunt for a serial sex attacker who may have struck more than 30 times.

The operation last night was staged by detectives a week after a 31-year-old woman was raped in the Sherborne Road area of Chichester.

Police believe she was the latest victim of a man dubbed the Thursday Night Rapist, the day when most of the attacks have occurred.

Forensic science experts are carrying out DNA tests to see if the same man carried out the latest attack.

The Thursday rapist has raped one woman and indecently assaulted 13 others around Chichester and Bognor in the past six years.

Police working on Operation Bobcat say 18 other sex crimes could have been carried out by the same man.

Up to 20 officers were involved in last night's operation.

Men between 20 and 45 walking alone in the Sherborne Road area were stopped and asked to provide voluntary DNA samples.

A mass screening operation has already led to more than 1,000 men being eliminated from the investigation.

Detective Inspector Neil Fellingham said eight men were asked to provide DNA samples.

He said he was convinced someone knew the identity of the attacker and added: "I would say to them that this man is a danger to women.

"We are very discreet with the way we deal with information and, of course, there is also a £20,000 reward."

John Hammond, 21, volunteered to give a DNA swab to show how easy and painless it was. He said: "I really hope they get this man soon."

Teenager Matt Payne said: "Women shouldn't have to look over their shoulders. I walk my girlfriend home all the time now and I hope they get him as quickly as possible."