If you have ever received a document you could not open, you will understand the demand for Adobe Acrobat 5.0.

It lets you convert any kind of document to a portable document format (PDF) file, which can then be opened using a broad range of hardware and software - with layout, fonts, links and images intact.

Adobe software has a common interface so anyone who has used products such as PhotoShop or PageMaker will find it easy to learn Acrobat 5.0.

Instructions for creating a PDF file are straightforward and simple to follow. Even a beginner will manage the process.

It is also possible to develop new documents from a PDF file.

Simply save it to the rich text format (RTF), so you can re-use its text in the new document.

If you are sending out email attachments that need to retain branding or layout (e.g. marketing documents, company specific information or promotional material), the PDF format is an ideal way to ensure the message retains its impact. Images stay where you put them and graphs and graphics retain their integrity.

The latest version of the software can help to speed up document sharing and allows users to add comments such as electronic sticky notes and text highlights to PDF files from within a web browser. It is possible to get comments from multiple reviewers.

Business users will find the product invaluable.

Price: £205.

Contact www.adobe.co.uk
Feel good factor: 9 out of 10.