Some bus services threatened with the axe have been given a last-minute reprieve.

Three routes in West Sussex are to continue to be run by commercial operators despite the withdrawal of subsidies from County Hall.

The county council is also planning to continue some of its support for the number 14 service operated by Compass Travel between Lancing and Worthing, although the number of buses will be reduced.

The announcement came as a major review of all bus services in West Sussex was ordered by council Cabinet member Tex Pemberton.

It follows widespread criticism of the county's decision to withdraw financial support from a number of routes.

The services which bus companies plan to continue running, despite losing subsidies, are the 29 from Brighton to Shoreham, the 46 from Portslade to Southwick and the 23 from Crawley to Brighton.

But Councillor Pemberton is still withdrawing funding from several other services including the Stagecoach-operated number 10 between Worthing and Durrington, the same company's 700 Worthing to Brighton service and several rural services in the Chichester area.

The list also includes the 108 and 109 between Shoreham and Horsham and the 289 Small Dole to Brighton.

Coun Pemberton said: "It is too early to say whether other operators will continue to provide any of these services which the county council is no longer able to support."

The crisis on the buses has been caused by fears of a massive overspend on the £1.4 million a year earmarked by the council to pay for services in areas which bus companies do not find commercially viable.

Coun Pemberton, who has responsibility for environmental services, has blamed rising costs, including insurance and fuel, for the problem.