A young father died after his car plunged 100ft over cliffs at Brighton Marina.

The car cut straight over both carriageways of the A259 coast road from the slip road by Marine Gate.

It travelled over the grass cliff top, through a fence and down on to the Undercliff Walk behind Asda.

The red P-registration Ford Fiesta bounced off the side of the cliff as it fell, then rolled over and landed in an upright position against a wooden sign giving details about the cliffs.

It ended up on part of the Undercliff Walk, which was cordoned off following a cliff fall in May.

The driver, who was the only person in the car, was alive but unconscious and bleeding heavily when the vehicle came to rest.

Police and fire services arrived within minutes of the crash, which happened on Friday evening.

Firefighters took the injured man out of the mangled wreckage just after 9.30pm and he was taken to the hospital with multiple injuries.

He was pronounced dead on arrival at nearby Royal Sussex County Hospital on Friday night.

Police have yet to name the man, who is believed to be local and in his mid 20s with a young daughter.

Wreaths left at the spot where he crashed through the fence read "To Dear Matthew" and one said: "Why, Why, Why?"

The first people on the scene were first-aiders from Asda after stunned evening shoppers rushed into the store to tell staff what had happened.

One of the shoppers was Svetlana Owen, 27, from Brighton, who was returning to her car.

She said: "I heard a noise and at first I thought it was another cliff fall but then I saw a car plunging down the cliff.

"It crashed at the bottom and rolled over. I immediately dialled 999 from my mobile."

Police are appealing for witnesses to contact Sgt Trevor Botting at Shoreham Traffic Division on 0845 6070999.