Q: I have tried to uninstall a programme and it prompted me to ask if I was sure I wanted to remove a file called vbrun32.dll.

Should I say "yes" when this happens? What is a .dll?

A: When you uninstall a programme, the computer attempts to remove all items associated with the installation. Windows has a problem in that many programmes share common bits of code held in .dll files. These files are basically libraries of routines that other applications share. Windows keeps track of which programmes are using which .dll files and, if another programme requires the file, it is not removed during the uninstall. If Windows thinks that no other programme is using the .dll file, it will ask if it should be removed. Generally, I tend to leave them on the computer as it is possible the file may be needed by another application Windows is not aware of.

Q: I am considering using banner advertising to promote my company. Does this type of advertising represent good value for money?

A: It depends on what you are advertising, where you are advertising and the cost. The most important thing is to target your banner advert to the most appropriate site. There is no point in advertising sailing equipment on a site about pet food. Some services will display your banners on a number of sites and you may have little or no control on what type of sites they are.

Look for the ability to monitor Click-Throughs. These are the number of people who, on seeing your banner, actually click on it (the average click through for a banner advert is around 0.5 per cent, or once out of every 200). You should ensure that the banner advert is professionally- designed for maximum impact. You can find a study on the effectiveness of banner advertising at:

Q: I send out many letters and would like to add a realistic version of my signature at the bottom of each letter. How can I do this?

A: It can be a little tricky as you will need to scan in the signature into a paint package, then export to an image file and insert the signature as clipart into a text document. You will need to ensure the background of the signature matches the stationery you are printing on (generally, white works best). The other option is to use a font that looks like handwriting to produce a signature.

Q: I would like to connect my two PCs to share files. How can I do this?

A: The easiest way is to use a crossover cable to link the PCs but you will also need to install network cards in the PCs (buy a brand name such as 3COM). If you think you may add more computers to the network in the near future, you may be better off buying a hub, hardware that connects all the PCs together. The details of setting up a network are a little involved but you can read an excellent online article at: windows.about.com /library/weekly/aa030900a.htm