Are Brighton children completely out of control?

I have the misfortune to live by Blakers Park, which is systematically vandalised by a large group of teenagers that turns up regularly every day, sometimes as many as 30-strong.

Tennis nets have been damaged, waste bins burnt, buildings vandalised, tree branches torn off and flower-beds trampled over. Anyone who attempts to chastise these youths meets with abuse and blatant dismissal.

On a recent Friday, a tree planted to commemorate the great hurricane of 1987 had its bark completely peeled off.

In five minutes, children had killed something which had taken 14 years to grow. But, worst of all, the heavy steel door to the Clock Tower was wrenched off and children have proceeded to vandalise the workings of the clock.

This is a priceless Victorian monument but it counts for nothing in the eyes of the louts who visit our park.

I am furious this beautiful park has to stand totally unprotected from the mindless activities of out-of-control children. Who cares? The parents? I don't think so. They are usually having a good time at the pub while their children run riot. The police? Vandalism is not a priority in a lawless city such as ours. Brighton and Hove City Council? Well, there's never any money for something so obvious as a permanent park-keeper.

No one would dream of leaving the Pavilion or Brighton Museum open and unattended day and night. Yet our park, with its valuable monument, trees and play equipment, is left unprotected and at the mercy of any juvenile thug who chooses to "play" there.

Foolishly, I thought the police were to uphold law and order, protect property and respond when we need help and support. Foolishly, I thought the council used our money to provide and maintain civic amenities. But I am wrong. The adults in authority are running scared - children are in control. Pandora's box is open.

-Name and address supplied