This is the first official picture showing how Worthing's controversial waterspout could look.

Seafront campaigners want to install it to the south of the pier to boost the town's image at home and abroad.

The £230,000 fountain would spurt water 160ft into the air and could be lit up at night.

Some residents think it will be a brilliant innovation - but others have branded it a folly.

Critics are concerned about seaweed clogging the works and spray soaking people on the seafront.

But supporters insist there is no danger of that happening because of its position below the low water mark.

Barry Emms, a member of Worthing Hospitality Association, said the waterspout would be paid for with private sector money. He said it would be a unique feature which would put Worthing on the map.

Mr Emms said: "In future years anyone seeing a picture of it will naturally associate it with this town."

The waterspout is one of a series of ideas put forward to improve the seafront, which has suffered from years of decline and neglect.

Other proposals include a toilet block opposite the Dome cinema being turned into a cafe, ornate railings and iron gateways along the promenade, Edwardian-style beach shelters with sloping roofs, seafront sculptures, repainting the beach huts in pastel colours, a crescent of flags in front of the Pavilion theatre, palm trees, and new seats and litter bins.

Worthing Council economic development officer Tim Preston is urging the public to comment on the proposals before a final masterplan is drawn up.

People should write to: The Head of Economic Development, Worthing Council, Portland House, Richmond Road, Worthing, BN11 1LT.