Should we be in Europe or shouldn't we? Should we keep the pound or should we adopt the euro?

The words of two great premiers keep ringing in my ears. I listen to British history, even if schools in the main have stopped teaching it.

The words I mean are these. First from Sir Winston Churchill: "Nothing will save England if she will not save herself.

"If we lose faith in our capacity to guide and govern ourselves, then indeed our story is told.

"Deprived of our sovereignty, loaded with debts and taxation and our commerce shut out by foreign tariffs and quotas, England would sink to a fifth-rate power and nothing would remain of all her glories except a population much larger than this island could support."

The following is from William Gladstone: "The finance of a country is ultimately associated with the liberties of the country. If the House of Commons by any possibility loses the power of control over public money, depend upon it your liberty will be worth very little."

The European Union's plan to break up England into several small regional assemblies is a revival of Hitler's idea of 1942. To carve up England with the rest of Europe was, and is, still on the agenda. Wake up England.

-Gordon Dean, St Lukes Road, Brighton