As a participant in the series Brighton: Out The Closet, I feel compelled to set the record "straight" with Mr Alan Nunn.

Only "hard-earned" licence fee money went into the making of the series. Is council permission needed to make a film in the city? If so, I am sure it would have been granted and, in fact, some council officers readily agreed to be filmed.

As for bringing disgrace on the city, I am really very sorry that an Argus reader should feel this way. I cannot deny there where moments when I cringed but just because we carry the label "gay" does not mean we are all lovely people.

We have our own personalities, lifestyles and philosophies.

Mr Nunn should also remember the participants had no editorial control and, of course, anyone willing to allow themselves to be shown in this type of programme is likely to be more outrageous, outgoing and, in fact, more out.

I also afraid, Mr Nunn, both the health authority and Brighton and Hove City Council agree our city's gay population is at least 35,000. Do not fear, we do not all think, act or live alike.

The gay population is as diverse as the straight and the programme, if nothing else, was honest in its approach. It also has to be pointed out that TVs do have an "off" button.

-P J Aldred, chairman, Pride in Brighton and Hove