Please, Councillor Bodfish, do not insult the intelligence of the residents of Brighton and Hove with your stupid statement, "We are going to clean up the city and make it a fit place to live in".

This alone shows you are fully aware of the abysmally filthy state of the place - and just whose fault is that?

Labour has run Brighton for an uninterrupted 15 years and a lot of that time you, Councillor Bodfish, were a senior member.

So you and who else has watched and condoned the gradual decline in the streets but have chosen to do nothing about it, despite thousands of letters in The Argus from thousands of disgruntled rate payers.

Almost every night, we are exposed to graffiti, drunks, beggars, travellers, litter, dumped cars, lack of police and antisocial behaviour.

All the five-minute-wonder curers tell the public "we are doing something about it" and then forget about it.

Photo opportunities, new initiatives - five minutes, then nothing.

-Damon Davis, High Street, Brighton