I am dreading this coming summer as far as the environment is concerned. Stop burying your head in the sand, Brighton and Hove City Council.

Slowing down the non-stop traffic through our high street and our village lanes will only cause more idling, already at danger level to health. The results will fall upon the National Health Service in due course.

Ninety per cent of the vehicles entering and returning daily through our village come from the east, having no alternative. This volume could be more than halved with a stretch of country road from north of Rottingdean Place or the Sunblest Bakery site to the north of Peacehaven, lined with trees and shrubs and serving as a building boundary line. It could include a couple of picnic areas. Even if it were a one-way system, in via the coast road and out via the country road it would still halve traffic in Rottingdean.

Does any civil engineer have enough enthusiasm to write to the council with ideas on this subject? If the powers that be decide against the Hastings bypass, could we stake a claim to some of the cash that would then be available?

-Jenny Allistone, Vicarage Lane, Rottingdean