An appeal has been launched to find enthusiastic youngsters willing to take on the role of toy tester.

Colour Workshop, a brand of colouring products, is asking schools in Brighton to apply to become a toy test centre.

The move is part of a nationwide initiative which aims to help both teachers and pupils get more out of art lessons.

For a year, Colour Workshop will provide free products worth £1,000 to the lucky school chosen to take part and in return will ask pupils their opinions of the creative toys of the future.

Jeremy Field, of Colour Workshop, said: "We are very excited about the opportunity of working even more closely with children and establishing their likes and dislikes.

"From a toy manufacturer's point of view, we hope to get a valuable insight into how our products are perceived at grass roots level.

"As part of the initiative, the schools involved will receive regular feature packs containing suggestions for innovative lessons using the products we provide.

"As an added incentive, we will also be putting up a national prize of a complete bank of art materials worth £1,000 for the class that comes up with the best creative idea.

"We guarantee that all the children involved will have a lot of fun whilst they learn, as well as teaching us a thing or two."

Interested schools can contact Jason Lees or Rachel Morgan on 0121 355 2640 for more details.