Land Warrior can be played as a first or third person shoot 'em up.

But this is a shoot 'em up with a difference - stealth and accuracy are far more important than firepower.

In the single player mode you play Gas Can, a member of an elite anti-terrorist strike force with a mission to rid the world of the guerilla group New Dawn.

The game really comes into its own in multi-player mode, when you can fight fellow players as well as terrorist factions.

A great feature in this mode is the Voice-Over-Net which enables you to talk in real time to your fellow team members over an IPX LAN or across the internet at the touch of a button.

You are dropped into scenarios varying from vast frozen mountain ranges to expansive African deserts, all of which offer plenty of space to enjoy the game.

- Ian MacFarlane Price: £34.99.

Contact: Feel good factor: 7 out of 10.