The owners of a row of cottages perched on a crumbling cliff face have lost their fight to stop them falling into the sea.

A public inquiry was ordered after the owners of Crangon Cottages at Birling Gap, near Eastbourne, appealed after Wealden Council refused planning permission for a sea wall.

Without the 185-metre sea defence at the foot of the cliffs, the six houses could be lost to the sea within 20 years.

A second application for a 30ft rock barrier was approved before the case was called in by Environment Secretary John Prescott.

But both applications for sea defences were opposed by the landlord, the National Trust, which believes nature should be allowed to take its course.

In his findings the Government inspector said he had sympathy with the residents but he believed the sea wall would be ineffective and would ruin the landscape.

Alan Edgar, speaking on behalf of the residents, said they were bitterly disappointed. They have been given six weeks to appeal.