A Sussex jeweller has combined inspiration from science-fiction films and a trip to India to create large-scale silver body pieces.

Katie Weiner set up Brighton-based Nymph, with illustrator Annabel Newby, to produce exotic body ornaments.

Katie said: "I have always been a fan of science-fiction films, such as Barbarella. I love all the warrior-like outfits and this has been a major influence on my designs.

"Last August, I went to India and was amazed by the liveliness and colour of the Eastern jewellery which I have tried to carry through to our work."

Annabel said: "Our jewellery is designed to look like tattoos. The pieces have a swirling style which flows with the body, mimicking the modern tattoo style without being a permanent fixture."

Nymph is aiming its work at film and theatre producers who are looking for something unusual and the company has already had several commissions.

Katie said: "Our body pieces have been worn by Nicola, from Big Brother, and we have also made a codpiece for a comedian. Our biggest project was a silver bikini for a dancer at Glyndebourne."

Katie has lived in Brighton for five years after moving on from a jewellery apprenticeship in London. Annabel graduated from the art college at Brighton University in 1994 with a degree in illustration.

Nymph can be contacted at its studios on 01273 774710.