A forecast by economic analysts Business Strategies shows growth in the South- East will average 3.3 per cent a year during the next decade.

This will help the UK achieve a growth rate averaging 2.7 per cent a year in the next ten years without a return to the 'stop-go' policies of the past.

The UK forecast is down on the average three per cent achieved between 1993 and 1999. But it is still better than anything else achieved in any five-year period in the preceding 30 years.

It compares favourably with the 2.5 per cent the Treasury and the Bank of England are assuming.

Growth in financial services, which is strongly represented in Sussex, will be the fastest in decades, in part underpinned by a revival in insurance, another sector strong in Sussex.

Strong, but less frenetic growth is also expected in communications, business services and electrical engineering, which have seen rapid expansion in the last few years.