Brighton and Hove Council has decided to give us free bus passes but has cut down the time we can use them.

Now we can use the £5 pass at any time but the free pass will not start until 9am weekdays.

One day a week I have to get a bus before 9am so if I have to pay full fare for 48 weeks after April this year, my free pass will end up costing me £19.

There is no mention in the recent Brighton and Hove News about anyone who has already paid for a pass, so will we get a full refund?

My new pass cost me £5 on January 5 so I will only get three months free travel before April 1.

My wife's pass, which is due for renewal on January 24, means she will only have 36 days to use before April 1.

Come on councillors, get it sorted out.

-J R Friend, Campbell Road, Brighton