A car could give a clue to a raid by a hooded armed robber on a supermarket last night.

A man brandishing what staff believe was a pistol walked into the Somerfield store at Lindfield at 6.50pm.

The man demanded cash and a member of staff handed over what police have described as a "small quantity".

The raider then ran off into the High Street.

A police spokesman said: "We are eager to hear from anyone who might have seen this man before the robbery. We are also interested in a car seen to leave the car park of Masters and Son, undertakers. This has been described as a Ford Escort or Orion, metallic blue or green colour."

The raider is said to be in his 20s and possibly of mixed race.

He was wearing dark clothing which included a green hooded top.

No-one was injured in the robbery, although staff were distressed at the incident.