Strongman Geoff Capes put his weight behind claims that a new industrial-strength email server was infallible.

Brighton company Herculeez invited the former World's Strongest Man to the launch of their email server capable of withstanding hardware failures and system crashes.

Brothers Shez and Damian Hamill stood well back as the Olympic shot putter took a sledgehammer to the server, proving it could still receive emails after being attacked.

Shez Hamill, managing director of the company, said: "It was a light-hearted gimmick to illustrate a very serious point.

"The high cost of internet message and data failures leads to lost business, customer dissatisfaction, brand damage, and sometimes even legal action.

"This is the breakthrough every email user has been waiting for."

Herculeez claims the MX1 system makes email messages literally bomb- proof from the hardware failures or system crashes that occasionally strike even the most reliable servers.

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