Take a deep breath everybody, here we go. We managed to change the sex of actor Tyrone Power to female in Gordon Dean's letter about Errol Flynn in last Thursday's paper.

Apologies to Mr Dean, of St Lukes Road, Brighton, and Gerald Spicer, of Portslade, who rang to tell me of the error, and to W Fuller, of Hove, who wrote in.

Brenda Page, of Brighton, was upset to see in Picture News on Friday, November 24 the photograph of a presentation of more than 50 smoke alarms by firefighters from the Preston Circus station as part of a fire safety campaign. Not because she wasn't in it - she was - but because two of the other people in the picture had their heads accidentally cropped off. How silly, says Brenda, and she's quite right. Sorry to all, especially those "missing" their heads. I reckon the sub-editors responsible must have been missing theirs.

Susan Robb, of Saltdean, was offended by the use of the term "mental" people in our story about the sell-off of residential homes for pensioners in West Sussex in last Friday's paper.

What it should have said, of course, was "mentally ill". Our apologies for what, as Susan points out, must have seemed to be "unprofessional reporting and a general lack of awareness".

Sorry to Mrs C Hodkinson, Press officer for Oathall Community College in Haywards Heath, which we have wrongly referred to as "Oathill" twice recently.

Mrs Hodkinson says the college is grateful for all the good news the Argus publishes about the college but would like all our staff reminded of the correct spelling. 'Tis done, Mrs H.

Brighton and Hove councillor Les Hamilton points out that we are wrong to refer to Steve Callow as the owner of Benfield Valley in Hove. He says the owner, other than the Sainsbury's complex, is the council and Mr Callow is actually a lessee.

Reg Jenkins, of Hove, points out that we carry listings and the occasional recommended programme for Channel 5 even though the vast majority of people in Sussex are unable to receive it. "Perhaps you could a campaign to enable us all to get it," he says.

The reason we carrying the listings, of course, is for satellite and cable viewers and they are perhaps best placed to tell us whether or not it's worth having before we launch a campaign. Any offers? (Channel 5 employees excluded).

In Monday's story about the Eastbourne Cracker event, featuring choirs and bands from Shinewater and St Bede's Schools performing at weekends, we stated the event started last Saturday when in fact it was a week before. Thanks to the anonymous letter writer who pointed this out.

You may now breathe again . . . phew!