Can anyone please explain the proposals published for the restructuring of the local council.

It is obvious the options are basically the same. Under every proposal, the full council will make the final decisions on policies and budgets.

Councillors will scrutinise service delivery and propose policy changes and whether he/she wears the name tag of Mayor or council leader, all will hold the chair and provide political leadership to the council.

It seems that bar the whitewash, the council remains as elusive in its dealings as ever. The government is set to change the way Brighton is run with little sign of an actual debate.

Why has this issue effectively been ignored? Nothing will really change at all. A broader debate on this whole subject has not taken place.

Under the current options presented to us, not one will encourage the liberation from the faceless bureaucrat or ensure that the council is accountable.

-R. Young, Stapley Road, Hove