Because I am disabled I am unable to use public transport and have to rely on taxis.

Like a lot of other disabled people, I am unable to use what are known as "London" taxis.

Depending on the type of cab provided a journey can be either a pleasure or a disaster. It also depends on whether the driver is kind and helpful or a surly slob.

The four best known taxi firms in the area have some vehicles called people carriers, which are a joy for me to use as I can get into and out of these vehicles without assistance.

I have asked each of these taxi firms if I can book in advance one of these cabs when needed and each time this has been refused, the reason given is that regulations do not allow it. Why not?

This is no whim of mine but the difference between looking forward to a journey and having nightmares about the sort of cab allocated to collect me.

-Joyce Clark, Wilbury Road, Hove