Micheal Panting claims Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Company offers no customer care or commitment, but is he aware that since 1997 Brighton and Hove has won eight awards for providing and maintaining an excellent public service? It may not be perfect, but it makes every effort to provide the best service it can.

This is despite tough reliability targets set by government traffic commissioners and ever-worsening traffic congestion. Mr Panting should award medals to those drivers whom have taken the time to wait for him as he flags them down as if they are taxis. I have always advocated the bus stop is the safest and best place in which to board and alight from a bus.

I have every sympathy with members of the public who have a mobility problem and find public transport difficult to manage. However, they can compensate by arriving a bit early to make their connection. I am sure they applaud Brighton and Hove for the easy access buses and customer commitment it strives to provide.

-Paul Evans, Secretary, National Federation of Bus Users, St Martins Place, Brighton