Matthew Poulter, aged ten, will not know much about the legal battle his mother is waging on his behalf.

Rochelle Poulter, from Burgess Hill, is suing Merck and Co in the High Court for damage caused to him, allegedly through the vaccine he had against measles, mumps and rubella.

Matthew has learning and behavioural problems making life exceedingly difficult for him and his family.

It is impossible not to feel sympathy for the Poulters and other parents who are jointly taking part in the challenge.

If they win their cases, it will be an open invitation for other parents to take action if they feel their children have been similarly affected.

But the amount likely to be offered won't be enough to compensate for the distress caused to the parents and their children.

Even if the link is proved between faulty vaccine and problems suffered by children such as Matthew, the number of cases throughout the country is small.

Other parents worried about this vaccination should remember thousands more children would be badly affected each year if they contracted these diseases.