I have always been very open about the purpose of the city bid.

In his recent letter, Peter Poole of BASH! dismisses the bid as a marketing ploy. But what's his point exactly? If by marketing the town we can strengthen the economy, increase investment and help businesses create more jobs with greater security and higher wages, then, frankly, great.

That's why so many people are getting involved in Place To Be events and think-and-do tanks on issues as wide-ranging as the creative industries in town, the local economy, a town-wide internet portal and many others.

The city bid is a golden opportunity to shout to anyone who will listen, about the good things this town has to offer and the imaginative way we are tackling our problems.

It also gives us the opportunity to unite in the interests of the town, which can only benefit us all. And it certainly has a greater chance of improving the town than standing on the sidelines and carping.

My personal ambition is the improved prosperity of the town and an economy which can withstand recession. Brighton and Hove is a great place, but we must never be complacent. We must actually realise our potential.

-Simon Fanshawe, Executive Chair of the Place to Be