The brother of a man killed outside a nightclub has lodged a formal complaint against Sussex Police.

Michael Abatan's solicitor is travelling to London today to deliver the complaint about the force's inquiry into the death of Michael's brother, Jay Abatan, to the Police Complaints Authority.

Jay Abatan, 42, of Eastbourne, died a week after he fell into a coma when he was attacked outside the Ocean Rooms nightclub, in Brighton, following a dispute about a taxi in January last year.

Michael also suffered a cut and black eye in the assault and since then has campaigned to bring Jay's killers to justice.

He said: "In my view normal police procedures have not been followed.

"Every British citizen believes if they were to suffer from a violent attack, the police would be at hand to try to protect them and get some justice for the pain they had to endure.

"With my experience of the manner in which my brother's attack and death have been investigated I have doubts this has happened yet."

Sussex Police invited colleagues from Essex to review their investigation but Michael Abatan was unsatisfied with their answers and decided to lodge the formal complaint.

He added: "To restore my confidence in the police force I need a fresh investigation supervised by John Grieves of the Racial and Violence Task Force.

"The Home Secretary, Jack Straw, has been sent papers relating to the case and the family is still waiting for him to take the appropriate action in order to properly investigate the death of Jay."

Peter Bottomley, MP for West Worthing, has been working with Mr Abatan and Jay's partner, Tanya Haynes, in their Justice for Jay campaign.

He said: "Mr Abatan has lodged the complaint and he hopes they will take it seriously but he is also working in co-operation with them because they both want to gather evidence in relation to the death of Jay."

An appeal on the BBC's Crimewatch programme last month brought forward new witnesses. Sussex Police and Jay's family put up a £75,000 reward.

To witnesses who have not yet come forward, Mr Abatan pleaded: "It is your right and duty to do so. Help us get justice for Jay."

A spokesman for Brighton police said: "Sussex police are still actively investigating the incident.

"We are still seeking witnesses and there is a reward of £75,000 for information leading to a conviction."

Anyone with information should call Brighton CID on 0845 6070999.