A suspected fraudster who tried to fake her own death was being hunted nationwide by Sussex Police today.

Fiona Mont, arrested in connection with a £300,000 computer fraud, disappeared after her car was found close to the edge of cliffs at Beachy Head.

It was feared she had thrown herself over the 500ft cliffs, but a full-scale search by Coastguards and police was called off two days later when her mother reported receiving a telephone call from her.

Miss Mont, 29, was last spotted flying out of Shoreham Airport in a light aircraft, reportedly piloted by a drugs dealer.

Police said the aircraft was heading for the continent but Sussex detectives believe Miss Mont is now back in Britain.

Detectives appeared on LWT's Britain's Most Wanted programme last night to appeal for information.

Det Con Steve Skerrett said: "Miss Mont is wanted in connection with a long-term fraud. She has been seen leaving the country but we believe she is in Britain.

"We are concerned other bogus companies may be set up."

Fiona Mont comes from one of the most prominent families in Lewes.

Her mother, Joan, now living in Brighton, is a former leader of East Sussex County Council and is president of Rottingdean Conservative Association.

Her late father, Neville, was a leading solicitor and a former Under Sheriff of East Sussex.

Miss Mont was arrested late last year after undercover police went to her basement flat in Sackville Road, Hove, to buy a computer that was linked to a major fraud inquiry.

Fraudsters had set up bogus companies, bought computers and office equipment and sold them on, but suppliers were never paid.

Miss Mont was arrested and taken to Steyning police station for questioning. It was after her release on bail that her car was found at Beachy Head.

Det Con Skerrett said Miss Mont is known to use aliases including Frances Montgomery, Alison Miller, Jacqueline Mayhew and Jamina Chadwick.

He urged anyone with information to call Sussex Police on 0845 6070 999.