Firefighters investigating a blaze in Brighton were stunned when they checked footage on a security camera.

Crews watched in amazement as the CCTV revealed a rare case of spontaneous combustion.

They could find no cause for the outbreak when they forced their way into smoke-logged Bubbles laundrette in Preston Street.

A basket of newly-washed and dried clothes from nearby Woolworths, on the floor near a dryer, had caught fire.

A passer-by spotted the smoke and raised the alarm.

Firefighters at first thought the cause was suspicious or due to a discarded cigarette.

They saw security cameras on the wall, rewound the tape on a TV and watched laundry bursting into flames.

One crew member said: "I have heard about this before, but never come across it."

Experts believe cleaning chemicals in the clothes plus heat from the drying and a plastic bag covering the basket caused heat to build up to the point where it sparked into flames.

Laundrette assistant Neil O'Connorleft the clothes ready for collection, unaware of the drama about to unfold.

Bubbles owner Stephanie Pitharides and assistant Stephen Russellcleaned up the mess yesterday morning.

Stephanie said: "When the firefighters told me it was spontaneous combustion, I couldn't believe it."

The brigade is making a copy of the tape to use for training and fire prevention advice.