CrossStitch Pattern Creator allows users to create their own patterns from scanned photographs, logos or drawings.

It is easy to use and includes tutorials for French Knots, framing and card-making.

Designed to suit all levels of experience from beginner to experienced cross-stitcher, it's probably the most comprehensive software title of its kind.

A remarkably straightforward interface and excellent content makes complex cross-stitch concepts crystal clear.

Because it is possible to import scanned images and digital photographs directly into this package, the user can work with any image to create highly original designs not available to others.

Imagine creating patterns for special occasions like weddings, anniversaries and birthdays using photos of the people concerned.

The software features powerful drawing and editing tools that can aid the design process.

The application even calculates the amount of thread needed to complete a design and offers a printout that can be used as a shopping list.

Price: £19.99
Contact: 01889 570156
Feelgood factor: 9 out of 10