A piece of art created with photographs secretly snapped in Sussex hotel rooms has won a University of Brighton student first place in a new Digital art competition.

Kathrin Kur won the £150 Digital Print Prize from Brighton print firm XPS for her piece 7x12m2, which is stretched across two walls of the University of Brighton Gallery in Grand Parade.

She created the giant work, which measures nearly seven metres width and one metre high, by taking photographs of visitors' possessions when she worked as a maid in a local hotel.

Ms Kur said: "Everything belongs to people who were in hotel rooms.

"The space is defined by the objects rather than the people. Certain things mark their space and you develop a like or dislike of the people.

"I was fascinated by standardised rooms defined by different products."

She would not reveal which hotel was the location for the pictures.

The work was created with graphics packages Photoshop and Spinworks. It took five hours to print at a specialist print works.