Most youngsters harbour the dream of proudly sporting a Blue Peter badge on their lapel.

Ten-year-old Zennor Compton is making her friends green with envy after winning the much sought-after badge and lots more besides in a competition to find the best book review.

The youngster, from Lewes, beat more than 7,000 other hopefuls in her age category to win with her review of the book Two Weeks with the Queen by Morris Gleitzman.

Zennor, of South Street, Lewes, says she loves reading and writing stories and poems so did not hesitate to take up the challenge laid down by the programme, a favourite with children since it began 42 years ago.

She said: "I thought I'd have a go because I'd just finished reading the book and really enjoyed it.

"They didn't give a word limit but I wrote a whole page of A4 because lots of things happen in the book and I wanted to explain the story was funny and sad."

Zennor, who goes to Southover CE School in Lewes, was in London with her dad when she heard she was one of 300 youngsters to be shortlisted.

She was told to watch Blue Peter the following week when they would be announcing the winners.

She said: "They made us wait for ages for the results and I was really nervous. When they said my name my mum screamed and hugged me.

"The next day at school people kept coming up and saying well done, it was a bit embarrassing but I'm quite proud - I didn't expect to win."

Her prize will include the chance to be a judge for the first Blue Peter Book Awards where she will be rubbing shoulders with famous authors and celebrities.

Zennor's proud mum, Lucy Hemming, said: "I didn't even know she had entered the competition at first.

"I was delighted when she won, but in a way I wasn't that surprised because I was very impressed with the review - she's got a real flair for words."