She was one of the most famous people in Britain during the golden age of radio.

But the silky-voiced Second World War forces' sweetheart Dame Vera Lynn doesn't seem to have made it quite so big in the world of radiography.

Dame Vera, who lives in Ditchling, was at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton for the day, helping out in the A&E tea bar.

Despite all the excitement, one radiographer failed to recognise the singer of 'We'll Meet Again' and 'The White Cliffs of Dover' as he went up to buy a cuppa.

Still, with all her wartime resolve, Dame Vera went on cheerily serving customers at the cafe, run by the Women's Royal Voluntary Service.

She said: "WRVS tries to cheer people up by always being ready with a friendly face and a hot cuppa. I'm just glad to roll up my sleeves and play my part with a tea pot."

WRVS communications director Louise Darby said: "Dame Vera is an example to senior citizens everywhere that keeping busy and active helps keep a twinkle in your eye. She is clearly very young at heart and we are glad she took time out to help."