PROPERTY tycoon Nicholas Hoogstraten has been cleared of a conspiracy to prevent tenants buying the freehold to their homes.

The decision brings to an end an eight-year battle by the residents of Palmeira Square, Hove, to recover up to £200,000 from the millionaire.

They now face paying Mr Hoogstraten's costs, which are expected to run into tens of thousands of pounds.

Judge Suzanne Coates ruled at Hove County Court yesterday that Mr Hoogstraten did not set out to frustrate the deal by the tenants, who set up 2-6 Palmeira Square Ltd, to buy freeholds when they came up for sale in 1991.

But she blasted the tycoon for his "aggressive, elusive and downright misleading" behaviour on the witness stand. She also vowed not to overlook threats he made to the tenants' barrister which could see Mr Hoog-straten, 54, jailed for contempt of court.

During a disturbance at the back of the court in September, Mr Hoogstraten said to Graham Campbell: "You dirty b*****d, in due course you are going to have it."

The court will hear in a month's time what action is taken against Mr Hoogstraten for his outburst against Mr Campbell.

The judge said: "I am not satisfied that Palmeira has been able to show either an actionable conspiracy or any basis on which I can award costs."

She also refused the tenants' application to appeal against the decision.

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