FORMER Beatle Sir Paul McCartney says his relationship with model Heather Mills is purely professional and he pledged to continue working with her despite rumours of a romance.

Sir Paul, whose wife Linda died from breast cancer 19 months ago, said he had been helping disabled Miss Mills record a charity record after hearing about her campaign work.

In recent interviews Sir Paul, who lives at Peasmarsh, near Rye, spoke candidly of his continued grief for Linda, but also spoke of falling in love again.

In April he dismissed reports that he had started a relationship with textiles designer Sue Timney as "extremely distasteful".

Yesterday Sir Paul said: "Because I work with these ladies does not mean I am having anything other than a business relationship with them.

"I will continue to work with Heather Mills on the recording project and even though this story is not true I hope it will

bring attention to her worthwhile efforts for the disabled worldwide."

A close friend of Sir Paul added: "It is true Paul has been involved for a number of weeks with work concerning the Heather Mills Health Trust.

"Recently he has been helping her record a charity record which she is hoping to release to benefit the disabled.

"This meant she was at Paul's studio and along with 50 other guests was invited to his annual bonfire party. Beyond this there is no further connection."

Ms Mills, 31, a swimwear and lingerie model who lost her leg when she was knocked down by a police motorcycle six years ago, also dismissed the rumours.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.