A town's coach parking problem could be a thing of the past by next summer.

Four sites in Worthing have been pinpointed as suitable parking spots for the hundreds of coaches that pour in during the holiday season.

A forum set up by Worthing Borough Council to investigate the problem is confident the sight of up to 40 coaches at a time clogging the seafront will be a distant memory by next year.

The forum was established after a similar parking scheme for the Eirene Road area of the town was thrown out after residents said it was impractical and would cause traffic and pollution problems.

The four earmarked sites, which have not yet been named, are all close to the town centre and the forum hopes to make a final

decision by January.

Coach bosses have indicated they would be happy with any one of the possible sites, two off-road and two which would involve parking in the street.

Negotiations are still continuing with the owners of the sites.

Spokesman Les Mockford said: "This is a difficult issue to resolve because there are so many different factors to consider.

"We have to balance the needs of the coach companies, drivers and visitors with the needs of the residents of the town.

"Tourism is a vital part of


"When the coaches stop on the seafront they cause a lot of congestion and difficulties as the area cannot cope with them and ordinary traffic as well.

"Having a designated location instead will make a great deal of difference."

A spokesman for the Worthing Hospitality Association welcomed the move.

He said: "We appreciate the pressures that coach parties put in the roads around the town and are looking forward to the time when proper facilities can be provided."

The next meeting of the forum, which

consists of members of residents' associations, West Sussex County Council, coach companies and local hoteliers, takes place in January.

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