Villagers opposed to waste dumping in the Low Weald are taking action to get their message heard.

Residents of Selmeston made huge banners bearing slogans objecting to new landraising sites, which they placed along the A27.

The action group Clear has backed the protest and says the scheme is the worst option for waste disposal.

A spokesman for Selmeston Parish Council said: "We want everyone to know our feelings about this site.

"Hopefully motorists will see the banners and realise the people of this village do not want everyone's rubbish dumped near their homes."

More than 100 residents held a silent protest at Sherrington Manor Farm, in Selmeston, this morning after putting banners by the roadside near Middle Farm.

A crowd of residents, farmers and local business people stood next to an area of land earmarked as a potential site.

The protest was directed at a group of environmental experts who were inspecting a site just 100 yards away Sherrington Manor Farm.

Dennis Ambler, of the pressure group Clear, said: "It is not just a landfill, it is landraise.

"You are talking of a hill of rubbish about 40 or 50 metres high."

East Sussex County Council and Brighton and Hove Council dropped plans to dump waste at two greenfield sites originally designated for landraising, Halland Park Farm and Upper Vert Wood.

A new shortlist includes the greenfield site Broomham Farm, on the A22, and sites near Selmeston and between Battle and the A21

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