A COMMUNITY is in shock after a much-loved venue was left gutted by fire.

More than 30 firefighters spent two hours tackling the blaze at the Willingdon Trees Community Centre, Eastbourne, during the early hours of yesterday.

A large part of the centre was left in ruins after the blaze, which is believed to have started in the bar area.

Two function rooms and the bar were gutted and the rest of the Maywood Avenue building also suffered severe smoke damage.

Nigel Craddock, chairman of the centre committee, said the 18-year-old building was the heart of the community.

Mr Craddock, who lives opposite the centre, was one of the first on the scene.

He said: "As soon as I saw what was happening I just wanted to do something. My instinct was to run in and save it.

"But I was pulled back. All I could do was watch in horror."

Yesterday an emergency meeting of the centre committee was called to reschedule events.

A family fun day had been due to take place yesterday and this Thursday the centre was to be one of three polling stations for the Ratton ward in the local council elections.

Steward Ann Barrett said: "We are determined to rearrange as many events as possible."

The committee hopes to have alternative venues provided for the centre's regular playgroups by next week

Fire crews from across East Sussex were alerted at 2am by neighbours.

The cause of the blaze is unknown.

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