A £25 MILLION master plan to improve schools in Crawley was unveiled today.

It would tackle the anticipated increase in pupil numbers over the next ten years as well as upgrading existing facilities.

Changes include a new secondary school on the Maidenbower estate and more playing fields for both school and community use.

West Sussex County Council has applied for a Government grant under the Private Finance Initiative.

The county would enter into a partnership with private sector companies who would carry out all the building work and provide service management of the new buildings.

The town's two specialist schools, Catherington in Langley Green and Deerswood in Ifield, would be either revamped or new locations would be found.

Detailed studies have started.

The council is already planning to merge Ifield First and Middle schools, so staff at Deerswood, based at Ifield First School, were already anticipating a move.

Improvements are being considered at Ifield Community College, Thomas Bennett Community College, Tilgate, and Hazelwick School, Three Bridges, to provide new community sports facilities such as a sports hall and external all-weather surfaces.

The council is negotiating with Tesco about the possibility of joining forces to expand facilities at Hazelwick and hopes to extend the idea to other schools in the town.

County education committee chairman Neil Matthewson said: "I believe our plans would provide first-class facilities."

The outcome of the bid is expected to be known in early summer.

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