A SCOTLAND Yard race relations adviser has been found dead in a Brighton hotel room.

Matthew Windibank was discovered in bed at the New Europe Hotel, near the Escape Club in Marine Parade.

Anote was left near the body but the cause of death has not been confirmed.

Samples have been sent for analysis and it is thought Mr Windibank, a diabetic, may have taken an overdose of insulin.

Officers found Mr Windibank's Metropolitan Police badge and business cards in the room.

Mr Windibank, a civilian race relations trainer, was 39, single, and lived in Kingston, Surrey.

The death comes just weeks after the Metropolitan Police was heavily criticised over its handling of the investigation into the death of black teenager Stephen Lawrence.

Mr Windibank checked into the 30-room hotel on Friday and was due to leave on Sunday.

The hotel charges start at £20 a night and go up to £50 on Saturdays.

Acleaner went to check on Mr Windibank on Sunday and found the body.

Staff immediately called the police.

Brighton detectives examined the room and later three Metropolitan Police inspectors travelled to Brighton to formally identify the body.

Scotland Yard today confirmed Mr Windibank was one of its employees.

Aspokeswoman added: "It is being handled by Sussex Police. We don't know any more."

ABrighton police spokeswoman said there were no suspicious circumstances and the death was not being treated as a crime.

An inquest will be held.

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