A MAN has been warned he faces prison if he is caught putting prostitutes' cards in phone boxes again.

Brighton and Hove Council has been granted an injunction against 63-year-old Malcolm Roe.

Brighton County Court heard Roe, of Brunswick Terrace, Hove, had continued placing the cards despite having been fined by magistrates three times previously.

The council applied for the injunction as part of a campaign to have the cards removed.

Roe was banned from putting cards in any phone box in Brighton and Hove without the council's prior consent.

Roe, who represented himself, did not oppose the application.

District Judge Merrick said: "The court has ordered that you are forbidden to place advertising cards in the Brighton and Hove Council area without prior consent of the council until further notice."


He warned Roe that if he broke the order he could go to prison.

Speaking after the case Roe said: "There's not much I can say about it. It was just a couple of occasions."

Len Batten, lawyer for Brighton and Hove Council, said: "We are pleased with the outcome. People cannot flout the law and get away with it.

"This is partoof an ongoing campaign to stamp out unlawful advertisements which have caused offence to members of the public.

"Hopefully this will send a clear message to people that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated."

Roe was ordered to pay costs of £250 and a court fee of £80.

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