SELFISH parkers face being fined under a police crackdown in Haywards Heath.

Officers have been ordered to scour the town in search of the inconsiderate drivers after a welter of complaints by residents provoked by bad parking.

Haywards Heath is the third town in Sussex to take action following an Argus campaign to outlaw double parking in Brighton and Lewes.

Vehicle details will be noted and drivers will first be left a warning notice informing them they have committed an offence.

But if caught a second time they will be given a £20 fixed penalty ticket.

Sgt Neil Asquith said selfish parking made life difficult for everyone in the town.

He said: "I've driven around the town and seen offences that an elementary knowledge of the Highway Code would prevent from happening."

He said they included parking within 15 metres of a junction at night and parking with the front of the car facing the kerb.

He added that some of the cars spotted by officers looked more "abandoned" in the middle of roads than parked.

He said: "As police officers, we fulfilmany functions as well as solving crime and these include protection of life and property.

"It may seem petty to some but the offences I have mentioned could endanger these things.

"By informing the public of our intentions we hope to raise awareness of these problems."

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