A BLIND man cleared of sexually assaulting a woman who called at his Hove home told today of his ordeal.

Peter Hadlow, 55, of Stapley Road, said the accusations had made his life a nightmare.

Brighton magistrates yesterday acquitted Mr Hadlow of the charge, which followed an alleged assault at his home in December last year.

A30-year-old Southwick woman claimed he attacked her when she collected Christmas presents for her family ordered through his wife's catalogue club.

But Mr Hadlow's GP, Dr Michael Sharman, told the court Mr Hadlow's physical condition meant the woman's version of events was highly unlikely or impossible.

Mr Hadlow was blinded and suffered multiple fractures in 1976 after he fell five floors while cleaning windows at flats in Eaton Gardens, Hove.

After the hearing he said: "I feel very relieved.

"Anyone would be upset going through this but when you are blind it is worse. You have no idea what is going on around you.

Mr Hadlow, who appeared in court in a wheelchair, was accompanied by his wife Carol, three daughters, son and friends.

He said: "It has been a nightmare but once I wake up from it I should be fine."

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