PEEPING TOM landlord Colin Welch secretly filmed his tenants in the bathroom of a Brighton house, a court heard.

Welch made video recordings of the naked students through a mirror on the wall at the terraced house in George Street.

His secret was discovered when the suspicious students picked open the lock of Welch's room, next door to the bathroom.

They were shocked to find equipment he had used to spy on them and a store of tapes.

In court at Brighton, Welch, 50, an accountant now living in Surrey, admitted a charge of committing acts likely to interfere with the comfort and peace of his tenants which could cause them to leave the property.

The magistrates granted an application by Welch to keep his current address secret for his own safety and protection.

Linda Saunders, prosecuting for Brighton and Hove Council, told the court students had rented the house between September, 1995, and November last year, when the equipment was discovered.

In September last year three new tenants, all Brighton University students, moved in.

They met earlier tenants and both groups shared their suspicions about the landlord and the mottled mirror on the bathroom wall.

In the landlord's room, Ms Saunders said, "there was a cupboard on the wall and when they opened it they saw a hole in the wall.

"They discovered they could see right through the mirror into the bathroom next door."

Viewing the tapes, one of the tenants, Ian Smith, a 19-year-old dance student from Staffordshire, saw himself filmed taking a shower.

Police were called and the students alerted their parents before moving out.

Martin Watts, defending, said Welch, separated from his wife, was previously of good character and the effects of getting caught were severe for him.

Magistrates ordered pre-sentence reports and adjourned the hearing to July 28. Welch was granted bail.

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