THE distraught husband of missing mother Wendy Ogilvie today made a heartfelt plea: "Please get in touch - your family loves and needs you."

The 55-year-old mother of two from Hove vanished more than three weeks ago after going for a walk.

She left her home in Hove Park Villas at 8pm on Bank Holiday Monday, May 25, heading for Hove Park, and has not been seen since.

Her husband, Hugh, said her disappearance has been a terrible blow to the family, including her two sons Simon, 29, and 26-year-old Julian.

He said: "Her husband, sons, sisters and friends are becoming more distressed as each day goes past. We urge that she makes contact with those who love, miss and need her so much.

"Despite extensive police inquiries there have been no sightings and no meaningful progress has been made so far.

"She is a local girl, born in Brighton, who has spent all her life here and never gone past the boundaries of the town."

Her husband, 66, added: "She has a chronic immobilising spinal condition requiring essential medication, which she does not have. She will probably be confused and disorientated."

Wendy is 5ft tall, slim, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears diamond and wedding rings.

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