HEALTH bosses have been told to stop work on a controversial drugs and alcohol clinic in Ditchling Road, Brighton.

South Downs Health NHS Trust is converting a building, at the junction of Ditchling Road with Upper Lewes Road, into a new centre to replace existing drugs and alcohol treatment centres elsewhere in Brighton.

The Trust believes it does not need planning permission as the building is already in health use.

But Brighton and Hove Council lawyers have now written to the Trust asking it to provide proof that it does not need permission.

They say that until proof is received the Trust should put the proposed changes on hold.

If the Trust does not stop work immediately the council says it will consider enforcement action. The planning department says there is no existing use for the building as a clinic.

St Peter's ward councillors Lynette Gwyn-Jones, Simon Charleton and Pete West are all concerned the Trust is going ahead without planning permission, giving local people no chance to make formal comments.

The scheme has stirred up strong opposition from people living nearby.

Neighbours have organised a petition against the centre, claiming it could reduce property values already affected by the London Road traffic scheme.

Coun Gwyn-Jones said: "There should be open public debate on a use that will greatly affect the character of the area. The only way to do that is through the proper planning process."

Aspokeswoman for the Trust said: "We are continuing to talk to the council about the use of the Ditchling Road building, which has a long history of providing health services."

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