I am writing with regard to George Galloway MP, who said Londoners had "paid the price" for Tony Blair's decision to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan (The Argus, July 8).

Mr Galloway certainly picks his moments to apportion blame.

Didn't he think about the people whose deaths were caused by the blast and their families who are suffering as a result?

How on Earth can he say these things at a time of such sensitivity?

I thought his Respect party was about standing up to terror-related activities.

I hope he gets to see Afghanistan - a good way might be for him to joint one of the boot camps there.

While I love everyone who lives in the UK, Mr Galloway's comments make it harder for people of different cultures to mix together.

He should resign from his party and get out of this country. He has a bee in his bonnet which will soon sting him.

-Richard Tucker, Steyning