Taking up one of the points in John Hodgson's letter (August 4), I run a small mobile unit which produces high-quality coffee, tea and cold drinks.

When the cafe on the seafront at Saltdean closed at the start of the summer, I offered to put the unit there until the permanent cafe re-opens, so visitors to the area still had some access to this kind of facility.

The unit I run is smart, fully registered for health and safety, and could be taken away each evening to avoid the chance of vandalism.

Brighton and Hove City Council wouldn't know this, of course, because it rejected my idea out of hand without even listening to my proposal.

The response I got was "there is no chance of us issuing a permit to trade there and the permanent cafe will be open again before the end of the season" (we shall see).

Meanwhile, I go past the seafront every day and have seen hundreds of visitors with no cafe facilities at all.

-Keith Love, Saltdean