Di Shaw accuses the Brighton Society of wanting to preserve Brighton in aspic, though she is referring to the King Alfred proposal in Hove (Letters, August 19).

Perhaps she does not know that we welcomed the new Jubilee Street library.

The site of the King Alfred is not comparable to the site of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, which was the first building of its kind by Frank Gehry and occupied a derelict industrial site.

The King Alfred site is not derelict and Hove does not need regeneration as Bilbao did.

Councillors should have the courage to recognise that the scheme for the King Alfred has got out of hand in terms of density and that it is far from the original planning brief to design a new sports centre funded by some flats.

The developer is now trying to obtain permission for a vast development of flats with a leisure centre with reduced facilities.

-Selma Montford,hon secretary, The Brighton Society, Brighton