It was a dream come true when theatre student Tamzin Merchant landed a role in the forthcoming film starring Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen.

Tamzin, 18, of Underhill, Maresfield, was reading Pride And Prejudice last year when her mother pointed out an article about the film.

Tamzin called the casting director and asked to be auditioned as an extra.

But to her surprise she landed one of the main roles.

Tamzin, who has just got three As in theatre studies, English and history at Brighton College, said: "I have wanted to be in films since I was 11 but it is one of those dreams you have.

"I have never been in anything before so this was an amazing first job.

"When I saw the article last summer, I thought it would be fun to be an extra so I put on my best grown-up voice and called the casting director.

"They said to send my photo and my CV and, after meeting the casting director, they called me to London to meet the director. I had to read the part of Georgiana.

"I didn't think I would hear from them but they called me and offered me the part of Georgiana, who is Darcy's sister.

"I had to do a reading with all the cast and I met Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen. They were so professional and friendly.

"I saw a screening of the film with the cast in July and I was just blown away by it."

Now Tamzin, who is to study English at Nottingham University next year, has been offered the part of Margo, the teenage sister in a film of Gerald Durrell's book My Family And Other Animals.